How to Make Cloud Bread (3-Ingredients)

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Learn How to Make Cloud Bread with this super easy recipe! All you need are 3 ingredients and about 20 minutes of baking time to create this low-carb sandwich bread alternative. Use it in savory or sweet recipes, or simply toast and add some butter for a keto-friendly breakfast or snack!

titled: 3 Ingredient Cloud Bread Recipe


How to Make Cloud Bread

If you’ve been on TikTok recently, you’ve likely seen videos on how to make cloud bread — that’s where I got the idea to try it myself! 

It’s light, fluffy, low-carb, and keto-friendly, meaning you don’t need to give up your precious bread if you’re cutting out carbs. This is great news for sandwich lovers like me!!

My cloud bread recipe has 3 ingredients, but I usually add garlic powder and dried oregano to it as well for some extra flavor.

Here’s where you can get super creative and add your own favorites. Sometimes I’ll include a touch of cayenne for some heat because you guys know me… gotta love an extra kick!

3 ingredient cloud bread comes together in just about 35 minutes, too, making it quicker than most other bread recipes. Quick, easy, and low carb? Sign me up!

Looking for more minimal ingredients bread recipes? Check out my 4 ingredient beer bread, 2 ingredient ice cream bread, and 4 ingredient garlic bread recipes too!

ingredients for cloud bread recipe

Ingredient Notes and Substitutions

  • Eggs – The main ingredient in cloud bread is eggs! They provide structure as well as protein and create that airy texture when whipped. Opt for large eggs.
  • Cream of Tartar – Helps to stabilize the egg whites when whipped, which allows them to reach stiff peaks — kind of like when you make homemade whipped cream!

    You need cream of tartar for the light and airy texture too. 
  • Cream Cheese – For moisture, richness, and a slight tang. Cream cheese also provides the soft texture in this recipe for cloud bread.
  • Salt – I don’t consider salt an ingredient as I know most people have some on hand at all times. You only need a pinch to enhance and balance out the other flavors.
  • Seasonings – These are technically optional, making this a true 3 ingredient cloud bread!

    You can add garlic powder, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary… choose your preferences.
combining cream cheese and eggs in a mixing bowl

Tips to Make the Perfect Cloud Bread Recipe with 3 Ingredients

  • Separate the eggs carefully.

When separating the egg whites from the yolks, you need to make sure that there are absolutely ZERO yolks mixed in with the whites. 

Even the smallest amount of yolk can mess with the whipping process and prevent the whites from reaching stiff peaks. 

Crack each egg in a separate bowl before transferring the whites to your mixing bowl… better safe than sorry!

  • Mix gently.

When adding the egg white meringue to the egg yolks, try your best to gently fold them into each other. 

Over-mixing will result in a flat meringue — it must be light and airy to give your recipe for cloud bread the same light and airy taste and feel.

  • Use multiple baking pans.

There’s one important thing to keep in mind when learning how to make cloud bread — don’t leave the meringue batter unbaked for too long! It will lose air and not cook up as light and airy as it should.

Use 2 baking pans so that you can bake the entire batch at once! 

  • Don’t touch the oven.

You may be tempted to open the oven during the baking process to check in on your recipe for cloud bread… I get it, you want to see how things are coming along!

But, it’s crucial to leave the oven closed during baking or you run the risk of your bread deflating. Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to making homemade cloud bread!

  • Don’t skip the cooling step.

Even I’ve been guilty of this in the past! However, it’s important that you leave the bread on the baking pan for 1-2 minutes before moving it to a wire rack to fully cool.

Leaving it on the hot pan helps it set and firm up, which will improve its overall texture and keep it from collapsing. 

adding cream of tartar to egg whites

Prep Ahead

  • Preheat your oven to 300°F
  • Line baking sheets with parchment paper
  • Separate the eggs

Kitchen Tools You Will Need

  • Baking Sheets lined with Parchment Paper – Used for anything from bread to cookies to roasting, a good baking pan will last for years.
  • Mixing Bowls – I like to have a variety of sizes on hand, and this set has them all.
  • Electric Hand Mixer – I’ve had this one in my kitchen forever, and it still works beautifully.
  • Wire Rack – Great for cooling all kinds of baked goods.
adding seasoning to egg mixture

Serving Suggestions 

3 ingredient cloud bread is best used within 8-12 hours of baking. If you leave it any longer, it tends to develop a strong and unpleasant flavor — I typically recommend making small batches every time so nothing goes to waste.

You can get super creative with how you use it!! It makes for a wonderful low carb sandwich bread — try it in a buffalo chicken sandwich, grilled steak sandwich, cashew curry chicken sandwich, or a simple tuna, ham, or roast beef sub instead of regular bread.

You could also toast it to pair with some zoodles, cauliflower rice, or a big garden salad!

batter for 3 ingredient cloud bread recipe

Storing 3 Ingredient Cloud Bread

Store leftovers in an airtight container at room temperature or in the fridge for slightly longer storage.

Remember that it’s best to use it sooner rather than later to prevent the taste from going off.

But now that you know how to make cloud bread, you can make it whenever you need it so no need to worry about super long-term storage!

Recipe for Cloud Bread FAQ

Why does my cloud bread taste like eggs?

Eggs are the main ingredient in cloud bread, so it can taste eggy if you don’t combine the ingredients correctly. 

Make sure to whip the egg whites to stiff peaks before incorporating the other ingredients to help with this. You should also consider adding some seasonings to help balance out that eggy taste!

Why is my cloud bread not fluffy?

Cloud bread can go flat if you over-beat the egg whites or over-mix the egg, cream of tartar, and cream cheese mixture. 

You really need to handle the batter with care across all stages when making a cloud bread recipe with 3 ingredients or else you won’t get the light and fluffy texture you want!

What does cloud bread taste like?

Cloud bread tastes a lot like sourdough bread. When properly mixed and baked, it has a fairly neutral taste, which is part of what makes it so versatile. 

It will also take on the flavor of whatever seasonings you add to it, so feel free to use your favorites!

closeup of 3 ingredient cloud bread

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4 stacked pieces of 3 ingredient cloud bread

stacked 3 ingredient cloud bread

How to Make Cloud Bread (3-Ingredients)

Donna Elick
Learn How to Make Cloud Bread to make low-carb sandwiches and more! It comes together with just 3 simple ingredients and is so easy!
Tried this recipe?Please comment and review!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Bread
Cuisine American
Method Oven
Servings 8 pieces


  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 1 teaspoon seasonings, optional


  • Preheat the oven to 300°F. *Baking cloud bread requires a lower oven temperature than traditional bread.
  • Prepare two nonstick baking sheets with cooking spray, or line them with parchment paper. If using parchment paper, also spray with oil, because the dough is quite sticky.
  • Using 2 bowls, separate the eggs. Place the egg whites in a medium sized mixing bowl and the egg yolks in a large mixing bowl. Set the bowl of egg whites aside.
  • To the large bowl with egg yolks, add softened cream cheese. Using an electric mixer on high speed, beat the yolks and cream cheese until thoroughly combined. Add seasoning as desired and mix again to combine. Set aside.
  • Thoroughly wash and dry the electric mixer beaters (or use a second set of beaters if you have them). Moisten a paper towel with white vinegar or lemon juice, and use it to wipe down the beaters. *This will remove any fat that could otherwise prevent the egg whites from whipping up.
  • Add cream of tartar to the bowl of egg whites. Using the electric mixer at its highest speed, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar together until stiff peaks form. This can take several minutes.
  • Gently fold one-third of the egg white meringue into the yolk mixture. Don’t over mix, but be sure the meringue is thoroughly combined. Then add the remaining meringue and gently stir until everything is well incorporated.
  • NOTE: Mix gently, as over mixing results in flat meringue. You want it to be light and airy.
  • Spoon the bread batter onto the prepared baking pans, about 2 tablespoons per bread slice. Leave about 2 inches in between each piece so the bread can expand.
  • Bake both pans of dough at the same time, for 20-25 minutes, or until edges of cloud bread are golden brown. Let them cool a couple of minutes on the pan before transferring to a cooling rack.

Donna’s Notes

Cloud bread is best eaten within 8-12 hours after baking. After that, it develops a strong and unpleasant flavor. I recommend making small batches every time.
Using two baking pans is recommended so you can bake the entire batch at one time. This is because if it’s left unbaked for too long, the meringue batter will lose air and will not bake up as light and airy as it should.
Don’t open the oven during the baking process or the bread will deflate.
This is an excellent keto bread option for toast or as a sandwich bread substitute. It is fluffy and light, and best when freshly made. I love the combination of garlic powder and dry oregano, but you can adjust spice amounts and/or use other spices according to your taste.


Serving: 1 | Calories: 75cal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 76mg | Sodium: 141mg | Sugar: 1g | Fiber: 0.3g | Calcium: 33mg | Iron: 1mg

All nutritional information is based on third party calculations and is only an estimate. Each recipe’s nutritional value will vary depending on the ingredients used, measuring methods, and portion sizes.

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
3 Ingredient Cloud Bread Recipe - PIN

Originally published June 2024

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